About us

Mikkelsen Architects is grounded in the Danish design tradition, and seeks simple answers that respect and humbly relate to place. We seek sustainable solutions that create value for users and for the climate.

Mikkelsen Architects was established by Stig Mikkelsen in 2012, and our design has always been characterised by both a humble and ambitious approach. The human being - the user - is at the centre. Knowledge of climate and materials inspires and drives the development of our architecture.

Development processes that turn creativity into value

Through his many years as an architect, Stig has gained extensive experience in development processes that translate creativity into value. As a design leader on a number of high profile projects, Stig has demonstrated a sense of quality, understanding of materials and detail, and the ability to maintain the overall idea and architectural expression throughout all phases of construction.

Stig's particular expertise lies in the adaptation of new, often specially developed, high-tech design solutions for existing buildings and the renovation of listed buildings.

Several of Mikkelsen Arkitekter's buildings have received recognition and awards, including Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen (SDCC): ArchDaily Building of the Year 2024, Archello Healthcare Building of the Year 2023, Architizer A+Award 2022 and Tyndpladeprisen 2022. / ATP Vordingborg: Bygningsprisen 2013. / Danmarks Radio, Segment 2: Solpris 2006. / Danmarks Nationalbank: Glass staircase, awarded the G-Mark Award for Good Design 2002. Terrace furniture series, awarded the G-Mark Award for Good Design 2002. / The Royal Library, University of Copenhagen Amager: G-Mark Award 2001.


The Eckersberg Medal was awarded to Stig Mikkelsen

Once a year, the Academy Council awards the Eckersberg Medal to architects and visual artists who have "made an effort of high artistic quality" in their field. The medals are presented by HM Queen Margrethe II at a ceremony at Charlottenborg Palace. The Academy awarded Stig Mikkelsen the Eckersberg Medal in 2022 with a laudatory motivation - some of it follows here:

"The works of architect Stig Mikkelsen are rooted in a Danish design tradition that springs from simplicity and simultaneously responds to the great shortage of our time: humble responsiveness to context. We see this when Mikkelsen, with the necessary courage and sensitivity, has been behind the gradual transformations of the National Bank of Denmark, including a new glass staircase that, with Arne Jacobsen-like gracefulness, unites the daylight between two levels of the building. We see this in the expansion and transformation of the Ladies' Hall at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen, where a new floor is added on top of the neoclassical building from 1923, allowing past and present to feed off each other."


The partner circle was expanded with several strong competences: Nikolaj Rahbek Ernst

Nikolaj Rahbek Ernst, architect MAA joined the firm in 2018 as a partner, after having run his own firm for 10 years with projects at home and abroad.

Nikolaj is recognised for his skills in developing modern sustainable buildings, both on a conceptual and a detailed level. His particular understanding of the interplay between social and technological sustainable solutions guarantees innovation in architectural and technical solutions based on complex design parameters. Nikolaj is responsible for many of the firm's projects, from concept to execution, and has extensive experience in multi-stakeholder collaborative processes.

Nikolaj has a broad and solid experience as an architect from working with both smaller scale projects, such as single-family houses, and larger projects such as transformation projects, residential and commercial buildings. Since Nikolaj joined the firm, he has helped sharpen the firm's focus on the development and realization of buildings within his focus areas, which are sports and culture, transformation projects and commercial and residential construction.

His designs come in all sizes, from a custom-designed cantilever to a 10,000m2 CLT headquarters. It is Nikolaj's unique attention to detail and materiality, and his knowledge of sustainability, both in design approach and execution, that characterizes his architecture and his projects.




High Sustainability Ambitions

Building sustainably requires us to take a holistic approach, where our unique integrated working processes are the foundation for developing robust responses to our shared social and environmental challenges.

New construction, transformation and work in conservation areas all require empathy and understanding of existing qualities. Through well-chosen new architectural approaches, a special value can be created through an enriching dialogue between the existing and the added. This is also a continuation of the sustainable agenda and carbon reduction by reusing and improving rather than building new.


"Our design philosophy is based on fundamental ideas about innovation, sustainability and architecture. We learn from experience, take an open and creative approach to the challenges of the future and believe that good architecture makes a difference."

- Stig Mikkelsen


Our focus areas in construction

Mikkelsen Architects focuses on the development and realisation of buildings and solutions within health, lifestyle, research and knowledge, culture and movement. We also have a long and deep experience with headquarters, businesses, and workplaces. And we are constantly working with housing, including mixed-use.    

Our team of architects, engineers and designers is transnational and broadly based, with complementary skills and a well-developed ability to think innovatively and collaboratively. Diversity and a wealth of experience characterise our working culture and our design studio.    

Stig Mikkelsen, Founding Partner and CEO, Nikolaj Rahbek Ernst, Partner, and Niels Thorup, Project Manager, handle the day-to-day management.