Steno Diabetes Center Sjælland (SDCS), Holbæk

Steno Diabetes Center Sjælland (SDCS), Holbæk

Steno Diabetes Center (SDCS), Holbæk

Region of Zealand

4500 m2

Completed 2024


Jørgensen A/S
Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma

Modern diabetes clinic in a preserved setting

The new SDCS Holbaek is, through a high level of quality in the health care and architectural environment, a place that invites and motivates diabetics to a changed lifestyle; creates co-ownership of their own lifestyle change.

Region Zealand and the Novo Nordisk Foundation have joined forces to establish the Steno Diabetes Center Sjælland (SDCS), with the ambition to raise diabetes efforts across all stakeholders in Region Zealand. The SDCS in Holbæk will house both the Holbæk Diabetes Clinic and the Regional Unit, both of which will be located in existing premises in the Akaciegården building, which is worthy of preservation. Through a transformation and renovation of the beautiful buildings from 1889, Mikkelsen Architects adds modern elements with a focus on simplicity and honesty in relation to the listed building mass and creates a new modern diabetes centre.

Warm natural materials create a safe environment

SDCS in Holbaek will function as a treatment, research and knowledge centre, where people with diabetes and their relatives are the natural focus of the centre's activities, organisation and physical environment. The physical potential and qualities of the older Akaciegår, worthy of preservation, will be underpinned and exploited to create a welcoming environment where the hospital feel is absent. The SDCS appears warm and welcoming, the building materials are based on a Nordic material expression that stimulates the senses and expresses quality, giving patients a 'homely' and safe setting despite frequent or complex treatment.

A building for citizens and for employees - for health, research and regional administration

In SDCS, the patient is at the centre, providing a framework for activity, immersion and new knowledge. Here, relatives find peace and support, and staff enjoy a stimulating and healthy working environment. Staff well-being is a fundamental prerequisite for SDCS Holbæk to become a welcoming, well-functioning and innovative centre. The new building will support optimal interdisciplinary interaction between the core activities of SDCS.


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