The marketplace in Hillerød has its grand opening
The marketplace in Hillerød has its grand opening
Transformation of the listed Machine Centre in Carlsberg City
The transformation of the listed Machine Centre in Carlsberg City
Fitting up in Hillerød - The basement of the Market Square is completed
Fitting up in Hillerød - The basement of the Market Square is completed
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen is once again a winner!
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen is once again a winner!
Steno Diabetes Center Sjælland is under construction
Steno Diabetes Center Sjælland, is under construction
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen is nominated for a MIPIM Award
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen is nominated for a MIPIM Award
New Steno Diabetes Center Greenland in the pipeline
New Steno Diabetes Center Greenland in the pipeline
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen opens its doors to world-class treatment
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen opens its doors to world-class treatment
Mikkelsen Architects prequalified for New Sports Hall in Solrød
Mikkelsen Architects prequalified for New Sports Hall in Solrød
Mikkelsen Architects prequalified for TE02B; Sterile centre and warehouse at University Hospital Køge
Mikkelsen Architects prequalified for TE02B; Sterile centre and warehouse at University Hospital Køge
Opening of Plasmapheresis Centre, AiB Cell Therapy Laboratory and Mammography Centre at OUH
Opening of plasmapheresis centre OUH
Politiken gives four hearts to the Laboratory and Logistics Building at Bispebjerg Hospital.
Four hearts for Bispebjerg Laboratorie- og Logistikbygning, reviewed in Politiken today.
S5 Single room project at Vordingborg Psychiatric Hospital
Mikkelsen Architects has won the competition for the S5 Single Room Project at Vordingborg Psychiatric Hospital.