Hornslet Culture House

Hornslet Culture House

Mikkelsen Arkitekter has recently submitted the proposal for the new Hornslet Culture House.

Our vision for Hornslet Kulturhus aims to transform the center of Hornslet into a vibrant cultural and community center. The project proposes a space that strengthens social connections, promotes cultural participation and creates a shared identity for citizens of all ages. The new cultural center will bring together a range of facilities, including a library, cinema, cultural hall, workshops and café, creating a multifunctional space for different forms of cultural creation and social interaction.

The project responds to the city's growth and evolving identity by providing a central meeting place where citizens can engage locally, rather than traveling to other cities for cultural experiences. The design emphasizes sustainability, adaptability and openness, with natural materials and flexible spaces that adapt to the changing needs and activities of the community.  

With Mikkelsen Arkitekter A/S at the forefront as overall consultant, we are together with Studio Andrew Todd, Merz Kley Partner Gmbh, KI Rådgivende Ingeniører Aps and Schul Landskabsarkitekter Aps as sub-consultants.

Read more here about Hornslet Kulturhus.


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